Quantum sensing black hole mergers: novel, exotic physics, modality in multi-messenger astronomy

Black hole mergers are known to emit gravitational waves and are not expected to generate anything else. However, describing the physics of merging black hole singularities requires the yet unknown theory of quantum gravity. Thus the mergers can be accompanied by the emission of yet undetected exotic fields. In our paper, just published in Nature Astronomy, we argue that atomic clock networks can be sensitive to exotic fields emitted by LIGO detected mergers. This opens an intriguing possibility for a novel, exotic physics, modality in multi-messenger astronomy.

Paper is available here:  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-020-01242-7 or without paywall: https://rdcu.be/b9ByS. Abstract is below.

Quantum sensor networks as exotic field telescopes for multi-messenger astronomy

Conner Dailey, Colin Bradley, Derek F. Jackson Kimball, Ibrahim A. Sulai, Szymon Pustelny, Arne Wickenbrock & Andrei Derevianko

Multi-messenger astronomy, the coordinated observation of different classes of signals that originate from the same astrophysical event, provides a wealth of information about astrophysical processes1. So far, multi-messenger astronomy has correlated signals from known fundamental forces and standard model particles like electromagnetic radiation, neutrinos and gravitational waves. Many of the open questions of modern physics suggest the existence of exotic fields with light quanta (with masses ≪1 eV c−2). Quantum sensor networks could be used to search for astrophysical signals that are predicted by theories beyond the standard model that address these questions. Here, we show that networks of precision quantum sensors that, by design, are shielded from or are insensitive to conventional standard model physics signals can be a powerful tool for multi-messenger astronomy. We consider the case in which high-energy astrophysical events produce intense bursts of exotic low-mass fields (ELFs), and we propose a novel model for the potential detection of an ELF signal on the basis of general assumptions. We estimate ELF signal amplitudes, delays, rates and distances of gravitational-wave sources to which global networks of atomic magnetometers and atomic clocks could be sensitive. We find that such precision quantum sensor networks can function as ELF telescopes to detect signals from sources that generate ELF bursts of sufficient intensity.

A black hole merger (left) emits a burst of exotic low-mass fields (ELFs) and gravitational waves. As the ELF burst propagates with the group velocity vg ≲ c to the detector (right), it lags behind the emitted gravitational waves, which propagate at c. Given that the more energetic ELF components propagate faster, the detected ELF wave packet exhibits a characteristic frequency chirp, depicted by the wave packet shown on the right.